Sunday 11 December 2011

Nickelodeon UK's Christmas 2009 Promo Endboard

Below is a high quality (HQ) streaming video featuring Nickelodeon UK's Christmas 2009 animated promo/trailer 'endboard' which Nickelodeon UK and Ireland used on-air at the end of Nick UK's Winter/Christmas-themed trailers in 2009 to advertise air dates, air times, and other programme information about the show the Nickelodeon trailer was promoting as part of Nickelodeon UK's Christmas 2009 on-air presentation. Nickelodeon UK's 2009 Nickelodeon Xmas promo endboard was based on Nickelodeon UK's 2009 rebrand and was designed and created by Brighton, UK-based creative studio "bliink":

Nickelodeon Xmas endboard from bliink on Vimeo.

We were tasked with copying a look that already existed and christmas-ing it up!

Pathdeform is fiddly!

We started to put snow on the objects but it became too busy so simpler elements of snowflake extrudes and falling snow was decided upon.

This project reminded us how a seemingly simple job can become much more time consuming than envisaged.